Can i remind all users on this board of the Ayberspace code of conduct found on page one of this thread. It seems to me that over the last few weeks many users have felt the need to bring into debate petty name calling which is unacceptable. If people cannot debate in a reasonable manner then they should find elsewhere to comment. There's always been a bit of leniency on this site when it comes to foul language, but the use of it recently has solely been to antagonize other users and this is unacceptable.
May i also remind everyone, Cas fans and those of any other team who post on here, that often things are posted on a message board that are the views of that person or groups of people. Just because you do not agree with it, it does not mean it is wrong or that it is an open invitation for a slanging match and it does not give anyone the right to openly abuse other users. Debate, argue and even have fun but do not bring onto this board abuse as it will not be tolerated, from anyone. |
Can i remind all users on this board of the Ayberspace code of conduct found on page one of this thread. It seems to me that over the last few weeks many users have felt the need to bring into debate petty name calling which is unacceptable. If people cannot debate in a reasonable manner then they should find elsewhere to comment. There's always been a bit of leniency on this site when it comes to foul language, but the use of it recently has solely been to antagonize other users and this is unacceptable.
May i also remind everyone, Cas fans and those of any other team who post on here, that often things are posted on a message board that are the views of that person or groups of people. Just because you do not agree with it, it does not mean it is wrong or that it is an open invitation for a slanging match and it does not give anyone the right to openly abuse other users. Debate, argue and even have fun but do not bring onto this board abuse as it will not be tolerated, from anyone. |