WWW.RLFANS.COM • View topic - Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines
: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:36 pm  
Can i remind all users on this board of the Ayberspace code of conduct found on page one of this thread. It seems to me that over the last few weeks many users have felt the need to bring into debate petty name calling which is unacceptable. If people cannot debate in a reasonable manner then they should find elsewhere to comment. There's always been a bit of leniency on this site when it comes to foul language, but the use of it recently has solely been to antagonize other users and this is unacceptable.

May i also remind everyone, Cas fans and those of any other team who post on here, that often things are posted on a message board that are the views of that person or groups of people. Just because you do not agree with it, it does not mean it is wrong or that it is an open invitation for a slanging match and it does not give anyone the right to openly abuse other users. Debate, argue and even have fun but do not bring onto this board abuse as it will not be tolerated, from anyone.
Can i remind all users on this board of the Ayberspace code of conduct found on page one of this thread. It seems to me that over the last few weeks many users have felt the need to bring into debate petty name calling which is unacceptable. If people cannot debate in a reasonable manner then they should find elsewhere to comment. There's always been a bit of leniency on this site when it comes to foul language, but the use of it recently has solely been to antagonize other users and this is unacceptable.

May i also remind everyone, Cas fans and those of any other team who post on here, that often things are posted on a message board that are the views of that person or groups of people. Just because you do not agree with it, it does not mean it is wrong or that it is an open invitation for a slanging match and it does not give anyone the right to openly abuse other users. Debate, argue and even have fun but do not bring onto this board abuse as it will not be tolerated, from anyone.
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:21 pm  
Hi Everyone,

The original post has been updated so please review it along with the AUP and other policies. As ever any general queries should be addressed in this thread, with the exception of questions about the moderation process which should be directed to a mod via private messages.

You may also have noticed a change in the moderators recently. I'd like to thank Batman, Mr Cas and Marshman (who have all now been inactive on RLFANS for sometime) for their input in the past and welcome Dead Man Walking.



Hi Everyone,

The original post has been updated so please review it along with the AUP and other policies. As ever any general queries should be addressed in this thread, with the exception of questions about the moderation process which should be directed to a mod via private messages.

You may also have noticed a change in the moderators recently. I'd like to thank Batman, Mr Cas and Marshman (who have all now been inactive on RLFANS for sometime) for their input in the past and welcome Dead Man Walking.



Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:04 pm  
Christ, its been a while since i posted on RLFANS, but i really cannot remember posting on this thread... ever, lol 2005 gawd!!!
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:36 pm  
Bonzo wrote:
You may also have noticed a change in the moderators recently. I'd like to thank Batman, Mr Cas and Marshman (who have all now been inactive on RLFANS for sometime) for their input in the past and welcome Dead Man Walking.

Aww, I do miss Mr Cas's editing of trolling messages...
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:10 pm  
Bonzo wrote:
You may also have noticed a change in the moderators recently. I'd like to thank Batman, Mr Cas and Marshman (who have all now been inactive on RLFANS for sometime) for their input in the past and welcome Dead Man Walking.

Rule with an iron fist in a velvet glove my friend :PIMP:
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:49 pm  
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:55 pm  
Just a thought mods - feel free to delete any provocative posts that may cause a thread to go the wrong way. Any users realising posts of theirs have been removed will hopefully get the message before we have to take any further action. 8)

Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:11 pm  
Gazemous wrote:
Aww, I do miss Mr Cas's editing of trolling messages...


I'm still here in spirit :D Jesus can't believe most of the people who used to make this forum so good have stopped posting :(
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:19 pm  
Mr Cas wrote:

I'm still here in spirit :D Jesus can't believe most of the people who used to make this forum so good have stopped posting :(

Most are on Casforum I guess. It's a shame that forum is filled with whinging and this one with Wakey stadium trolls...
Re: Code of Conduct, Policies and Guidelines : Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:00 am  
Mr Cas wrote:

I'm still here in spirit :D Jesus can't believe most of the people who used to make this forum so good have stopped posting :(

Gazemous wrote:
Most are on Casforum I guess. It's a shame that forum is filled with whinging and this one with Wakey stadium trolls...

Well we're trying to sort it - it'll just take a bit of time. If you saw the amount of trolling crap that I've removed recently I'm sure you'd appreciate the efforts! :D

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