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Freedom of speach : Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:37 am  
This week a Scottish comedian as had is show cancelled in edinburgh because of offending snowflakes and yesterday I was band from the bradfraud bullshitters forum for a bit of banter. Look at tommy Robinson being sent to prison for reporting on grooming gangs and how many times are brexiters like Nigel Farage aloud on question time compared to leftys? Why can’t we see comedians like jethro or Jim Davidston on bbc tv? Because of you apinion doesn’t fit with left wing media view your off!

Clearly are freedom of speach is under attack in this country. We are becoming a Marxist fascist state like Orwell predicted.
Re: Freedom of speach : Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:31 am  
The really worrying thing is that I don't think this a pi55 take.
Re: Freedom of speach : Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:48 am  
I think one of the main problems is that Jethro died which makes it a little difficult for the BBC or any broadcaster.
The problem with what Robinson was doing could have resulted in a mistrial not a good luck even for him. I could answer your view on the left wing media but they are so stupid they are not worth correcting.
Re: Freedom of speach : Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:19 pm  
Scarlet Pimpernell wrote:
I think one of the main problems is that Jethro died which makes it a little difficult for the BBC or any broadcaster.
The problem with what Robinson was doing could have resulted in a mistrial not a good luck even for him. I could answer your view on the left wing media but they are so stupid they are not worth correcting.

No all I need to no about you lefty
Re: Freedom of speach : Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:01 am  
They jailed Tommy because he exposed the truth
Re: Freedom of speach : Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:05 am  
Everybody knows about the grooming gangs - Robinson didn't expose anything that wasn't already widely known.

I do think the trans lobby is powerful, should not be underestimated. They will pounce on any opportunity to discredit anyone with an opposing view - JK Rowling!!. Thankfully it does seem the tide is turning - closing the disgraceful Tavistock is a start. They do seem to be very adept at muddying the water between sex and gender.

On other aspects of free speech - it comes with a degree of responsibility, whatever you say will upset someone - understand the audience?
Re: Freedom of speach : Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:47 pm  
Sandro II Terrorista wrote:
The really worrying thing is that I don't think this a pi55 take.

It is, fortunately. Stick on ignore - although it's amusing when some of the nutter fringe weigh in to agree. Which is presumably the aim of this character.
Re: Freedom of speach : Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:59 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
It is, fortunately. Stick on ignore - although it's amusing when some of the nutter fringe weigh in to agree. Which is presumably the aim of this character.

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