Re: Update on Clinton... : Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:47 pm
Seventies red wrote:
We were in the upstairs club after the game and spoke to one of the directors,(wont name him),he informed us that Clinton should be here in two weeks time and its nothing to do with his visa, its just a couple of minor technical details which have to be sorted out,
Apparently,(as far as i can remember after half a dozen pints), its something to do with Uk employment law which requires you to prove you have enough money to be able be self sustaining or have a benfactor who will be able to make such provision
It may be similar to the law in Australia which requires you prove you can afford to keep yourself or at least have a benefactor who can, when applying for a visa there.
Apparently,(as far as i can remember after half a dozen pints), its something to do with Uk employment law which requires you to prove you have enough money to be able be self sustaining or have a benfactor who will be able to make such provision
It may be similar to the law in Australia which requires you prove you can afford to keep yourself or at least have a benefactor who can, when applying for a visa there.
So why is this only an issue for Clinton? Other clubs' overseas signings this year don't appear to have had this issue and the same rulings apply to all, surely?