O/T Kilimanjaro Climb : Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:19 am
Hiya folks,
I posted this a while back and I'm just bumping it as I've got exactly a year to go. I'm going to be doing Kilimanjaro next year in aid of the Dreams Come True charity, who work hard to fulfil the wishes of seriously and terminally ill children. I hope you'll support me in this and many thanks to the people who already have. http://www.justgiving.com/markporteous http://www.mporteous.blogspot.com |
Hiya folks,
I posted this a while back and I'm just bumping it as I've got exactly a year to go. I'm going to be doing Kilimanjaro next year in aid of the Dreams Come True charity, who work hard to fulfil the wishes of seriously and terminally ill children. I hope you'll support me in this and many thanks to the people who already have. http://www.justgiving.com/markporteous http://www.mporteous.blogspot.com |